Sunday, March 28, 2010

I feel dumb

The continuing saga of trying to learn Korean.

Well, I just finished my Korean lesson. Wow - do I feel dumb. The class is moving on and I feel like I'm standing at the gate. Of course, part of it may be that of the other two students, one is the daughter of the teacher and the other is married to a Korean husband.

Still. I'm trying to figure out the best way to pick some of this up.

Probably I need to memorize the alphabet better. I did work on it this past week but apparently working on it 1 hour isn't going to work.
Goal - spend at least one more hour on alphabet.

Next - I need to memorize the double vowels and double consonants.
I can probably do that as I walk on my breaks at work.

Next - I've got to start doing homework. Waiting until 5 minutes before class is probably not a winning strategy.

I guess this is a lot like everything else in life - if you want to get better at something - you've got to work on it.

Pastor John

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