Friday, January 12, 2018

Shit hole countries and the Gospel

I know the language may offend some - but it is a common term.

What as a Christian am I supposed to do with this term that is in the news lately?

First, lest there be any misunderstanding, the pictures come from a place I lived 4 years and with a group of people I really love.  But that being said, there really are differences between countries and cultures.


Going back to the Old Testament, in the first books of the Bible, the country and culture of Egypt, as refined and cultured as it was at the time was judged as a bad culture.  The 10 plagues which God sent upon it where an attack upon the "gods" of Egypt and it's culture of using the Hebrew slaves and not submitting to the rule and reign of Yahweh - the name of God in the Bible.

When God sends the Israelite people into Canaan with the instructions to completely eliminate the people and culture - he judged that culture as a shit hole - something that was not worth admiring or preserving.

Are there "good" cultures in the world today?

NO!  Sin has entered the world and all cultures have experienced the effects of that sin with crime, pollution, injustice and so forth.  

That being said, are some cultures better than others?  

YES!  Some cultures have incorporated the thoughts and teachings of the Bible into their law and culture.  This doesn't mean that they are Christian - it just means that in many respects, they have taken part of the Christian worldview and made it a part of the nation.

Yes - there are shit holes in the world. But even in these places which are dominated by the destructive power of sin and Satan, God is at work calling people to come to his grace, be saved and changed. 

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