Sunday, October 05, 2008

A Christian Response to a financial meltdown

The past few weeks, we’ve seen the world in turmoil. Old established financial firms have bitten the dust or been absorbed by other companies. While we haven’t YET seen people jumping off of buildings to end it all, the retoric has come dangerously close.

How does the Christian look at all of this? What does Jesus say? It’s especially important now to remember the words of Scripture. Jesus told us that if we have our treasure on earth, we will find that those treasure can be taken away by waste and crime. In the Psalms it says that some folks trust in horses or chariots – the military – but that he trusts in God.

What can we do as we watch the markets melt? How can we be any different than the world? How can we find any peace in times of trial?

First, remember that you security does not depend on Wall Street. Jesus told us to lay up “Treasures” in heaven where they are not taken away by waste, fraud, or deceit. In a few years, you will leave all that you’ve accumulated behind, your relatives will probably argue over it, a large chunk of it will be taken by the government, and the rest will be sold in a garage sale or taken to the city dump.

Second, realize that you may have been trapped into the devil’s value system. One bumper sticker says, “He who dies with the most toys, wins.” But the answer to that is: “He who dies with the most toys – still dies.” Paul wrote, I have learned to be satisfied with what I have – food and a place to sleep. Paul also wrote, Do not let the world squeeze you into it’s mold but instead be changed and transformed by having your mind worked on by the Holy Spirit.

Third, realize that God is still in control – no matter what the presidential candidates say or what our elected leaders say or what the markets tell us. God is in control! And if you love God and are saved by Jesus Christ and are seeking to live by His purpose, than you can KNOW that everything works for your good.
God Bless You – Pastor John

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