Friday, December 07, 2007


I remember growing up and listening to Bill Cosby on a record-player. One of the shows, he talked about going in for surgery and hearing the surgeon say, "Opps."

That's not what you want to hear as you're laying on an operating table!

I just came across a story about a grocery store offering "Boneless Spiral Ham" - delicious for Chanukah. - "Opps!"

Just in case you're not familiar with Chanukah - it's a Jewish holiday - and all pork products are considered unclean in the Jewish faith - that means you don't market ham for a Jewish holiday!

Whether it's a mistake on the operating table - or a mistake in marketing, these "opps" moments are something we want to avoid.

But what about "opps" moments in your faith? Do you have any? What do you do about them?

First - if you're the least bit honest with yourself, you realize you aren't the perfect example of how to live a Christian life. We all have times when our Christian faith doesn't live up to the standards of the Bible.

We feel uncomfortable in saying along with the Apostle Paul - "follow me as I follow Christ." We much prefer - "do as I say - not as I do."

Second - when an "opps" moment occurs - learn from the politicians. What! I thought this was a Christian blog - how can you tell someone to learn anything from politicians?

Simple - politicians (at least some) have found that it's not the deed that drives you out of office - it's the coverup.

That means - in Christian terms - when you have an "opps" moment, confess it to God. Don't try to cover up your sins - get them forgiven instead.

Third - understand that while they do happen from time to time - we are called to eliminate the "opps" moments from our Christian life. This means using excuses like, "Well, I'm only human." aren't a goal to pursue but a plague to avoid.

Examine your life - if you've got too many "opps" moments - maybe it's time to repent and use this Christmas season to get acquainted with the God who has the power to turn you into a NEW creature.

Pastor John

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