Saturday, October 28, 2006

World Champions after 24 years

For Missouri baseball fans, Friday, October 27th, 2006 was a very good night. After waiting for 24 years, the Saint Louis Cardinals won the World Series.

I was thinking about this today. How many years of disappointment was there? How many times did the Cardinals "almost" make it. But year after year, they just couldn't quite finish the deal.

Did the Cardinals give up? Did they say, "It's never going to happen. We're never going to win. We should just quit." No! They continued going to practice. They continued looking for better strategies and better players. They continued going out on the field and doing their best.

I believe we can take some lessons from the sports professionals. Don't give up. Keep looking for better strategies. Keep going out on the practice field. Don't give up on the game.

God has called you to be on his team. To become a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you have joined his team - don't give up. Remember that most of the prophets waited a lot longer than 24 years to see the results of their faith.

But the follower of Christ, who keeps going, is promised victory over the world as well. You too can be a world champion.

Pastor John

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