Thursday, October 28, 2004


One of the hardest things to do is to change. I am someone who perfers ruts. Ruts are comfortable. Ruts are predictable. Ruts do not require new thinking. But - ruts also keep us from seeing where God is leading.

I enjoy reading history. The lives of the old saints who changed the church are fascinating. I don't really think I'd enjoy being around them though. They weren't always the nicest people. Sometimes they had opinions on things which make me shudder. By todays standards they were bigots, pig-headed, mean tempered folks who simply were not reasonable!

But when God called, they got out of their ruts and followed!

Without unreasonable people, people who won't go with the flow, people who insist they are right even when the entire world says their wrong....

nothing changes - the ruts win.

I thank God for the reformers in the past and I hope and pray that when God calls, I'll leave my rut and follow Him.

Preacher John

Love one another enough to tell the truth. Eternity depends upon it!

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